Archive for October 2nd, 2007


  1. Avoid nicotine, caffeine, alcohol in the evening. 
  2. 1hr before bedtime, take multivit/ca supplement.
  3. See that temp in bedroom is comfortable. If cool, better.
  4. Take herbal bath.
  5. Drink relaxing chamomille/ tea.
  6. Msg hands, legs with carrier oil + few drops chamomile or lavender or rose.
  7. Turn off lights, tv, comp etc. Bed room shd be dark.
  8. In bed, wear eye mask, take deep breathes. 
  9. Meditate to calm mind, body & soul.  Or listen to peaceful, relaxing music in bed. 
  10. Establish regular sleep-wake cycle.
  11. Melatonin is a natural hormone that regulates sleep cycle. Take it right before bedtime.

Add a comment October 2, 2007


  1. Give up salt, oils, non veg, spices, coffee, red chilli, sweets.
  2. Salt destroys 1000’s of body cells, increases blood density, swells feet, face & hands. Salt in vegs is enough for us. Since new taste buds r formed every 10days, u’ll not have problem eating saltless food later. Na & K r in 1:8 in all cells & so in vegs. If u eat more, ratio disturbed & cells health disturbed. If ratio is normal, glucose converted into energy quickly with less insulin, so sugar comes down. 
  3. Raw vegs have reqd ratio of K & Na, can restore cells filled with excess salt to normalcy quickly.
  4. Honey is instant energizer as digested fast & reaches blood from stomach.
  5. Drink 5lt h20/day. It insures ur body from any disease.  Sodas, b.milk, coconut h20, fruit j’s are also good liquids but salt in them is not helpful in absorbing wastes like h20 does. Just like nature, our body has 2/3rd h20, 1/3solid. So we shd take h20 & food in same way.
  6. Take cold head bathes everyday. Improves blood circulation to head, cools head.
  7. Do fasting once in a wk. It is the supreme medicine.
  8. Sore throat, bad breath, dry mouth, headache, body pains etc are symptoms which tell us to avoid food & give rest.
  9. We suffer from sneezes, asthma, allergies etc in winter & rainy seasons b’cos we consume less h20 which rises histamine levels in body.
  10. Those who r not hungry or suffer from indigestion, heaviness in stomach, loss of appetite shd take fruits instead of cooked food till appetite normal. Then take 2-3roti, avoid rice.

Daily schedule

4:00am- Get up, drink 11/2lt h20, conc on intestines & move around. Empty bowels. Rest 1/2hr.

4:45- Exert body by walk/exercise/yoga for 1hr till it perspires. This helps muscles, veins, blood circulation.

5:45- Drink 11/2lt h20, concentrate, try for 2nd ablution. If not proper, go for enema. Continue enema till dig system normal.

6- Drink raw veg j of sn.gourd, ribbed gourd, bottle gourd, c.ber, carrot, tom, b.root etc + l.j + 4t honey. U can take fruit j or lime j with honey also.

7- Sprouted cereal/beans, soaked almonds, raw coconut, dates(non diabetics). Who r reqd to go on enema in morning shd eat papaya, p.granate,, mango, dates etc which generate hunger, easily digestible & move freely down the intestines.

9- drink 1/2lt h20.

12:30- drink 1/2lt h20.

1- Lunch. No white rice. Eat brown rice/roti, 1/2kg vegs, lot of curd.

4:30- juice of orange/citrus/p.granate etc + honey. Or eat fruits. If not available, drink honey + l.j.

6:30- drink 1lt h20, conc on 3rd ablution.

7- dinner. Secret of health is early dinner.

9- drink 1gl h20/b.milk if want.

10 to 11- If awake late, drink l.j + honey.

Add a comment October 2, 2007

Remedies for acute symptoms

  1. Absentmindedness: Occurs due to prolonged stress or overwork. Nux mos 30x twice/day sharpens memory.
  2. Anxiety after upsetting events: Kali p
  3. Anxiety during labor: Acon 30c every 1/2hr.
  4. Arthritis: Kali carb
  5. Black eye: Ledum 30c. speeds healing.
  6. Blisters: Soak in calend, air dry, take canth every few hrs.
  7. Breast feeding painful: Arn relieves. If pain goes from left side to right, conium 30c twice/day.
  8. Brittle nails: Use rubber gloves while washing dishes. Alum 30x.
  9. Bruises: Lack of vit c & k make us more prone. Ledum 30c 4times/day.
  10. Chemotherapy side effects: Cad sulph 6c twice/day
  11. Childrens anxiety: Anac 30x twice/day
  12. Cold sores: Avoid peanuts, chocolate. Rhus t 12c 4times a day for 5days helps quickly destroy virus that causes it.
  13. Constipation: Nux 30c every few hrs.
  14. Craving salt: Nat mur once/day for 7days.
  15. Dandruff: Sulph 30x twice/day.
  16. Detoxification: Nux vom for side effects of prescr drugs, also eases withdrawal effects from alcohol, tobacco.
  17. Erectile disfunction: Avena sativa
  18. Excessive perspiration: Mercurius 30c once/day.
  19. Eye strain: Pilocarpus 30c at 1st sign of irritation.
  20. Fatigue(physical & mental): For college students during studies. Carbo veg.
  21. Fevers periodic: Cina 30c every 4hrs. Also for flu symp’s with cyclic fevers.
  22. Flea bites: Pulex irritans 30x 3times/day for 3-5days.
  23. Grinding teeth(bruxism): Wear bite guard to protect teeth. Ars alb 30x if occurs during sleep. 1dose at bed time for 5nights.
  24. Hay fever: Sabadilla 30x
  25. Impotence: Lyc 30c.
  26. Indented tongue: Before, observe tongue. If imprints of teeth on sides, Merc sol.
  27. Intestinal flu: Ver alb 30x 3-4times/day
  28. Irritability(in young children): cham
  29. Irritability(in older children): Cina 30x
  30. Kidney stones: Berb 12c every 20mts for relief. 
  31. Leg cramps: Mag p 30x few doses 5-10mts apart
  32. Lower back pain: Bellis p 30x is Arnica of lower back.
  33. Mensus pain: Sabina is specific if extends down to legs & also effective for lower back pain.
  34. Mental confusion: In early stages, Alum can reverse this
  35. Nasal polyps:Occur if have chronic sinus problems. Phos
  36. Nausea during pregnancy: Ipec 30x every hr.
  37. Puffy eyes: Apis m 30x every 1/2hr 4doses quickly heals.
  38. Sensitive scalp: Even combing hair painful. Cinch off
  39. Sinusitis: Spigelia if worse on left side.
  40. Sleep walking: Kali brom 30c once before bed for 7nights quickly solves. Gently guide them back to bed without attempting to wake them.

  41. Spinal injuries: If sharp pain after fall or numbness & tingling, Hyp 30x twice/day & Arn 30x for general trauma.
  42. Splinters: If hard to remove with tweezers or left behind, silicea 30x 4times/day for 3-7days expels foreign bodies.
  43. Stomach cramps: Podophyllum 30x every 2hrs.
  44. Swollen ankles:Lyc 30x twice/day.
  45. Thrush: Borax 30c twice/day for 7days.
  46. Toothache: If radiates to ears, excess saliva, Mercurius.
  47. Vomiting, diarrhoea: In abd flu or food poisoning. Ver alb.

2 comments October 2, 2007






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